PHP 5.2+ (PHP 5.3+ is strongly recommended, and will be required in a future version)
ExpressionEngine 2.2+
Upload system/expressionengine/third_party/store to the corresponding folder on your web server.
Upload themes/third_party/store to the corresponding folder on your web server.
In the ExpressionEngine control panel, head to Add-ons > Modules, and click ‘Install’ next to the Store module.
Make sure you set the Extension, Fieldtype and Module all to ‘Install’, and click Submit.
You should now proceed to Setting up your Products channel
Getting Started
Create a channel to store your products, you can call it anything you like
As per normal, create a custom field group and assign it to your products channel
Add a custom field to your custom field group, using the ‘Store product details’ fieldtype. You can call it anything you like, such as ‘product_details’.
Customise sample templates or write your own
Configure tax, shipping and payment, plus any other settings like order statuses and email templates, and you’re done!