
Discounts are one of two types of Promotions which can be created using Store (the other being Sales). Discounts are applied during checkout, and can be configured to provide endless combinations of discounts based on what the customer has in their cart.


Discount Options


A name for this discount. This will be displayed as the adjustment name in the checkout.

Promo Code

A promo code required to activate this discount. This field is optional - if it is left blank, then the discount will apply automatically to applicable orders. If it is set, then the promo code must match the code the customer provides during checkout.

Start Date

If set, this discount will only be available from the specified date/time.

End Date

If set, this discount will only be available until the specified date/time.

Restrict to Member Groups

If selected, this discount will only be available to logged in members of these member groups.

Match Entries

If selected, this discount will only apply to the specified products.

Match Categories

If selected, this discount will only apply to products in the specified categories.

Exclude Products Already On Sale

If checked, this discount will not apply to products which were already on sale.

Discount Type

Store supports two discount types: Discount Matched Items, and Buy X Get Y Discount.

Discount Matched Items means that the discount options below will apply to all items in the order meeting your criteria. For example, if you have restricted the discount to a particular category, then you want to provide a discount to all items purchased in that category. You can further restrict the discount to only orders where the customer has purchased a minimum quantity (Purchase Quantity) or minimum total spent (Purchase Total) using the options below.

Buy X Get Y Discount means that the discount applies to additional items added to the cart. For example, if you wanted to provide a “buy one get 50% off a second item” discount, then you will be matching the first item purchased (based on product category or other options), but the actual 50% discount applies to the second item purchased, not the first item matched. You can customize the number of initial items which must be purchased (Step Quantity) and the number of items which will receive the discount (Discount Quantity) using the options below.

Purchase Quantity

This option only applies when the discount type is Discount Matched Items. This lets you restrict the discount to only those orders where the customer has purchased a minimum number of matching items.

Purchase Total

This option only applies when the discount type is Discount Matched Items. This lets you restrict the discount to only those orders where the customer has purchased a minimum total value of matching items.

Step Quantity

This option only applies when the discount type is Buy X Get Y Discount. This specifies the number of matching items which must be purchased to activate the discount. For example, if you were to configure a “buy two get one free” discount, you would set the Step Quantity to 2.

Discount Quantity

This option only applies when the discount type is Buy X Get Y Discount. This specifies the number of additional items which can be purchased at the discounted rate. For example, if you were to configure a “buy two get one free” discount, you would set the Discount Quantity to 1.

Base Discount

A flat rate base discount amount which will apply if this discount is applicable to the order.

Per Item Discount

An absolute discount amount which will apply to each matched item in the order.

Percent Discount

A percent discount amount which will apply to all matched items in the order.

Free Shipping

Whether this discount also adds free shipping to the order.

Limit Per Customer

Allows you to limit the number of times each customer may use this discount. If a limit per customer is set then customers must be logged in to use this discount.

Total Use Limit

Allows you to set a total use limit on the discount. Once the discount has been used this many times, it will become inactive.

Total Use Count

Displays the total number of times this discount has been used.

Stop Processing Further Discounts

If enabled, no further discounts will be applied to orders where this discount is used.


Allows you to specify notes about the discount. These are only for internal use and are not displayed to the customer.


Allows you to quickly enable/disable this discount.