Search Tag

    <!-- channel entry details -->

The search tag provides a helpful wrapper for the channel entries tag, with some special Store-specific options built in. You should use it when you need to filter your product list based on internal Store fields such as price, which are not stored inside regular ExpressionEngine custom fields.

Because the search tag is simply a wrapper for the channel entries tag, you should use it instead of a regular channel entries tag, rather than in conjunction with. Nesting a channel entries tag inside a store search tag, or vice versa, will lead to unexpected results.

Search Tag Parameters

All parameters for the channel entries tag may be used. In addition, the following parameters are available:


Force the display of a specific entry. You may also specify multiple entries by separating them with the pipe character.


If the orderby parameter is set to price, Store will order your products based on their regular price. Note that this won’t take into account any currently applicable sale price.

If the orderby parameter is set to total_stock, Store will order your products based on their total stock level.

Any other value (such as title) will be passed through to the underlying channel entries tag.


Used in conjunction with the orderby="" parameter to change the sort order.


Filter products by a minimum price (excluding tax)


Filter products by a maximum price (excluding tax)


Only display products which are or are not currently on sale. Default is to display all products.


Only display products which are or are not currently in stock. Default is to display all products. Note that this won’t take into account products which don’t have “Limit Stock” enabled (these will be treated as out of stock).

Search Tag Variables

All variables available inside the channel entries tag may be used here.

Search Tag Example

{exp:store:search channel="products" search:price:min="{segment_3}" search:price:max="{segment_4}"}
    <div class="product">